
Going from word of mouth to cyber savvy

Cornea specialist George M. Salib, MD,initially relied on word-of-mouth and referrals to promote his practice, but after about a year of less-than-satisfying results from these strategies, Dr. Salib chose a new course of action: He decided to build a professionally designed, content-rich and search engine-optimized (SEO) website to win new patients for his practice. He also would have a sustained online marketing and SEO campaign that would run in his practice area. Although word-of-mouth marketing is important, Dr. Salib’s situation is a great example of how to incorporate this tactic with other strategies.

READ MORE to find out how Dr. Salib used online marketing to establish his practice, as written by Naren Arulrajah, president and CEO of Ekwa Marketing, for Ophthalmology Management (May 2015)