
Is your practice up to the change challenge?

Whatever adjustments your team faces, you need to be strategically proactive.

The changes in ophthalmology over the past 20 years have been substantial, from imaging to surgery. While physicians, by nature, may find it easy to embrace scientific, clinical changes, the reality is that many of today’s changes create unique practice-wide challenges because they affect everyone in the office. For some practices, integrating adjustments can be painful.

Some of the recent changes in medicine have been particularly daunting because the requirements are mandatory for any practice that includes Medicare patients — such as EHR and government regulations. That these required adjustments are happening so fast just compounds the challenge. Many practices barely get used to working one way, only to have the process altered. Or, practices begin to prepare for impending change, such as ICD-10, only to have the process delayed.

So, how can practices best manage the stress of change in our dynamic health-care environment?  Read the full story from Ophthalmology Management HERE.